The 5 Hardest Things About Being a Realtor | ADHI Schools

The 5 Hardest Things About Being a Realtor

Published by Kartik Subramaniam

Reading Time : 5 minutes

Real estate market uncertainty

The majority of people who are not in the real estate business have little to no understanding of what an emotional rollercoaster it can be to be a realtor. The good days are really good while the bad days can be pretty tough to get through. Here are some of the toughest struggles that every realtor has to deal with on a daily basis.

1. Uncertainty about real estate market

This is perhaps one of the biggest uncertainties realtors have to deal with on a daily basis. Every realtor is worried about not being able to sell their properties and how it will affect his or her commissions at the end of the month. This uncertainty is real and can cause a lot of stress for realtors and their clients. The best realtors really do care about their client's properties and genuinely want to find them a buyer as soon as possible. It’s safe to say, realtors can carry a lot of weight on their shoulders.

2. Constantly being on the go

A realtor is always on the go, they are always thinking of new ways to market themselves and bring in potential buyers for their clients' homes. They spend most of their time on the road or on their phone calling both real estate agents and potential buyers. Not to mention, being on the go can last well into the night. The hours are different every day. It’s not uncommon for a realtor to be submitting offers at 10pm or receiving calls from agents at 12pm or calls from clients at 6am.


3. Commission is by no means a guarantee

In real estate, nothing can be guaranteed. Even if you do everything right to sell that house, from staging it perfectly, to showing the house as often as possible, there is still no guarantee that you will make a sale. The realtor will spend money marketing the home, paying for photography, doing open houses, finding buyers, etc. Even when the home is in escrow there are still occasions where it does not close escrow and you may have to start all over again. Most of the time realtors won’t get a commission check until 30 plus days after their listing receives an offer. There are times however that a everything right to sell that house, from staging it perfectly, to showing the house as often as possible, there is still no guarantee that you will make a sale. The realtor will spend money marketing the home, paying for photography, doing open houses, finding buyers, etc. Even when the home is in escrow there are still occasions where it does not close escrow and you may have to start all over again. Most of the time realtors won’t get a commission check until 30 plus days after their listing receives an offer. There are times however that a listing will not sell and a realtor will essentially not get paid for their time and efforts marketing that listing.

4. Being underpaid for hard work

As real estate agents, they put in more work than any other profession but are only compensated about 3% on the home sale. Just think about it, realtors get paid almost nothing for everything they do. They spend hours upon hours of their time marketing homes and placing phone calls, but real estate agents get paid very little for all of their hard work. There is a ton of time spent going back and forth in communication between escrow, loan officers, listing agents, etc. They juggle going back and forth to communicate with all parties in the deal and may have to deal with major headaches along the way. You never know what kind of setback will come up because someone on the other end isn’t meeting a deadline or doing what was asked. When working with buyers, the real estate agent can spend days, weeks, or even months showing house after house and put in several offers on behalf of their clients. Sometimes offers will not get accepted, other times they will, and sometimes the buyers will cancel even after the going back and forth to communicate with all parties in the deal and may have to deal with major headaches along the way. You never know what kind of setback will come up because someone on the other end isn’t meeting a deadline or doing what was asked. When working with buyers, the real estate agent can spend days, weeks, or even months showing house after house and put in several offers on behalf of their clients. Sometimes offers will not get accepted, other times they will, and sometimes the buyers will cancel even after the offer is accepted. You literally have no idea how each deal with go. Realtors deal with surprises and setbacks all the time.

5. Dealing with difficult clients

All realtors have had to deal with difficult clients at least once in their real estate career. Clients are always coming up with the most ridiculous demands and realtors have to deal with them no matter how crazy they may sound. Most realtors will do anything it takes to make their clients happy because realtors realize that it is all about building long term relationships. Sometimes realtors may have to end relationships with certain clients whose expectations are unrealistic and impossible to attain. It is the realtor’s job to educate their clients as much as possible about the real estate world. If the realtor has done everything they can to give their clients an understanding and guide them in the process of buying or selling and their client refuses to listen, it may be time to cut ties with that client.

So, are the ups and downs worth it?

Absolutely. Becoming educated about the industry and the expectations that come with being a realtor are a necessary part of starting in this industry successfully. Knowing what to expect can help tremendously when overcoming obstacles and dealing with the uncertainty that comes with the territory. Remember, the more experience you get the better you get at something. This goes for anything in life and if you stick with it, your sure to reap the benefits. The harder you work in real estate the more money you can make. The potential is endless. So stay consistent and don’t give up when the going gets tough.



Kartik Subramaniam

Founder, Adhi Schools

Kartik Subramaniam is the Founder and CEO of ADHI Real Estate Schools, a leader in real estate education throughout California. Holding a degree from Cal Poly University, Subramaniam brings a wealth of experience in real estate sales, property management, and investment transactions. He is the author of nine books on real estate and countless real estate articles. With a track record of successfully completing hundreds of real estate transactions, he has equipped countless professionals to thrive in the industry.

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